Embodied Code

A Platform for Embodied Coding in Virtual and Augmented Reality

Overview Documentation Web Editor

Drawing and Annotations

How to use the Extrude Tool in Embodied Code:

Basics: Creating and Erasing Drawings


First, go into the toolbox and select the Draw tool with the right trigger. Keep the toolbox open- if you close it you won’t be able to use the draw tool.


Use the “A” button on your right controller or the “X” button on the left controller to draw.


Use the “B” button on your right controller or the “Y” button on the left controller to erase your drawings.

Advanced: Selecting, Grouping and Attaching


Select the Code tool in the toolbox.


Use the grippers on your controllers to select around a drawing.



Use the triggers to move and scale your drawing around your scene.


Once a drawing is selected, you have the options of “group” “ungroup” “attach” “hide child nodes” and “show child nodes”


If you have two separate drawings, you can group them together as one object.


You can attach code to a drawing and then chose “hide child nodes” to hide the code. This can be used to create an activity where you want the code to be hidden.

You can choose “show child nodes” to show the code again at any time.


Happy drawing!